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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How To Build A Vhf/uhf Balun
Chapter 6 - The universal bank: bottomless pit or black hole?
In the U.S., after drainage due to the sub-prime mortgages - from early 2009 to now - over a billion dollars of potential losses (1) from the folds of the budgets of large universal banks and the related system shadow banking (see Chapter 1), the central bank (Fed), having nearly tripled its budget during the same period of time, decided to print even more 'money to buy, say, U.S. Treasury: and 'the so-called quantitative easing 2 - QE2 . Incidentally, the central bankers rather than 'the expression " drain or cover losses in the banking system " used to say: " stabilize the financial system or markets "and to do this' it will take more U.S. $ 600 million over the next eight months! (2) . The reasons are propaganda to promote maximum employment and stability 'in prices, that' is not the water which boils at ninety degrees, but the right angle! Many people wonder what is behind it, and some ventured that the QE2 - unlike QE1 and that 'served to save the banks from bankruptcy - will' eliminate the presion U.S. government bonds.'s dilemma and 'easy to solve, just go to see where these titles will be purchased on the primary market or secondary? In the first case frock' the government, in the second one will cover potential losses by banks. The problem real ' that the object of the QE2, I'm not phony bonds securitized by gunmen disguised as sound banks but treasury bills.
In Europe, after having spent 4.588 billion euro in aid to the financial system and banks over the past two years until October 2010 (3) and have "saved" each other from Greece, taxpayers and investors in the euro area are "saving" one another first from Ireland and Portugal, then (4) . In the end, after all self-"saved" one by one, we hope that the European taxpayers and investors together are able also to save the European Union, is well represented by the cat Jose ' and the fox Herman, and Jean-Claude Eater with his substantial collection of puppets in form, ready to move to tender thread: the Roman Empire, Mario, Giulio, the George and Julia's Azeglio , Some examples of the Italian language.
Also in Europe, the trick of losses drain on the budgets of large banks, is costing - as well as failure in res ideal - even bankruptcy closely and budgetary European Central Bank (ECB), which will see 'forced to seek a capital increase humiliating (5) . Just to emphasize the solidity 'of the euro!
The failure of the ideal system for banks central and 'manifest in the moment they were put in place the measures called unconventional , which specifically are open market operations that relate to non-government securities, or auction an unlimited amount. With this type of intervention is beyond the role of central bank monetary policy and fiscal policy comes in, because the objective of these interventions is not 'the transmission of monetary policy but fiscal policy aimed at saving some market participants that would otherwise fail. In a democracy, this modus operandi and 'unacceptable! The utilities' economic and social system and central banks' over and you and 'introduced a system, elitist, plutocratic (6) .
The Wealth of Nations, so 'as the subject will not be created from nothing (7) , but it certainly can' be destroyed or annihilated. The anti-matter and an instrument of impoverishment of nations - that decision-makers and bureaucrats "modern" at their disposal to destroy wealth - it's called: universal bank (8) .
Current acts accomandigia (9) that the 'European Financial Stability Facility - EFSF " (10) is about to conclude with the most nation-states' weak to save the big banks, not will certainly prevent the natural dissolution universal bank, after its failure to model the circular flow of income "(see Chapter 2). Watch out for spikes ECB marginal lending, will serve as a signal to investors of a certain nation state, 'cause that means huge piers of money have been used to plug the holes of a few large bank zombies (or rather : insolvent) , before the big bang just around the corner (11) that will drag 'into the abyss for the first citizens of the state occupied by large national bank.
In order to speed up the natural decay of the universal bank, real risk to the stability 'of modern democracies, economies and their societies', are therefore welcome the initiatives organized they are offering account holders the bank run (cd bankrun ) reasons, and not dictated by fear as usual (12) . Ineptitude in front of decision makers and bureaucrats, unable to prevail over the neo-corporate power of universal banks, such initiatives may well organized force governments to liberalize the collection of savings from the public and transform the commercial banking system in public infrastructure , so 'as they are, for example, the railroad tracks, roads and ridges telecominicazioni.
(1) See entries in blue and light blue ( Federal agencies debt securities, mortgage-securities backet ) color display in the budget of the U.S. central bank (Fed) [ http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/06/11/a-look-inside- feds-balance-sheet-61109-update / ].
(2) See CNNMoney.com, November 3, 2010 [ http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/03/news/economy/fed_decision/index.htm ]. An amount equal to the net salary per year of about 20 million U.S. workers, since in 2008 the average salary and the 'state of $ 30,774 =.
(3) See Reuters, 01.12.2010 [ http://www.asca.it/news-UE__AIUTI_STATO_A_SETTORE_FINANZIARIO_OLTRE_4_500_MLD_IN_2_ANNI-971250-ECO&comunicati=1-.html ]. See Reuters.com, December 1, 2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idITMIE6B00BL20101201 ]. Just to get a comparison of the expenditure, the GDP of Germany in 2009 amounted to U.S. $ 3.3467 trillion [ http://data.worldbank.org/country/germany ], Italy's GDP in 2009 amounted to U.S. $ 2.11278 trillion [ http://data.worldbank.org/country/italy ].
(4) See, Ireland, gardian.co.uk, November 22, 2010 [ http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/21/ireland-asks-70bn-eu-bailout ] and Portugal, Reuters.com, November 26, 2010 [ http://it.reuters.com/article/itEuroRpt/idITLDE6AP06O20101126 ].
(5) See Reuters.com, 13/12/2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idITMIE6BC0I820101213 ].
(6) See elitism [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elitismo ] and plutocracy [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutocrazia ].
(7) See [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equazioni_di_Maxwell ].
(8) See self-evident clarity of Giulio Sapelli, University 'of Milan, Il Sole 24 Ore, 13 November 2010: "The only prescription for the crisis and limit the' breaking of the financial industry, separate activity ' commercial from investment: banks should not be able to use the deposits of account holders to supply the leverage. "
(9) accomandigia Act means an act by which, in the Middle Ages, a municipality or a rule was put under the protection of another municipality or another woman, a time or in perpetuity. See Historical Dictionary CNR items: accomandigia [ http://tlio.ovi.cnr.it/voci/000545.htm ].
(10) For EFSF [See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Financial_Stability_Facility ]. Unless there is some Boeotian the world might believe that the Italian contributions to ensure Tremonti EFSF them from his own pocket, you can not see with their own What powers without an ad hoc law he can tie Italy to take in his name, valid legal obligations to honor the guarantee fund with DKK 79 billion up to June 30, 2013. Perhaps the champions of the law enough to think that a directive or a regulation to pull out of the pockets of Italians, the colossal figure? As is known the art. 11 of the Italian Constitution provides for the accession of Italy to the international organizations that pursue institutional peace and justice among nations. From a historical point of view this provision was intended by the constituents to allow Italy to join the nascent UN membership today stem from that for example the participation of Italy, by surreptitiously, the war in Afghanistan, the Balkans and in Iraq, although Italy rejects war as a means of settling international disputes. Next Article. 11 and 'was played - in the unsystematic - by the Constitutional Court to legitimize the pseudo-and more serious limitations of sovereignty' resulting from the Italian participation in the Communities 'European and now the European Union, thus making' through interpretation directly applicable Intalio into the EU regulations, decisions of the European Court, and in some cases even the European directives (see Chapter 4, footnote 8). It 'obvious today, in front of the democratic deficit of European institutions and in front of the delicacy of the materials for which these institutions would legislate that interpretation has become unbearable for the system of parliamentary democracy. The European Union, pultroppo, even before the euro to fail, and 'time to failure in its ability' to meet the needs and aspirations of Europeans. Needs and aspirations of more and more 'often do not coincide with the interests of big banks and corporations. The euro and 'sewing a dress made for universal banks and European multinationals, their budgets and failed' also failed the euro. From a legal point of view of efficiency, the arrangements agreed by representatives of the Italian government in the meetings referred to as "Ecofin" and "Eurogroup" are similar to those acts of government in Italy is defined as "ministerial decrees "as long as they are applied to a prior Act of Parliament. Otherwise, it may represent nothing more than mere declarations of intent of Ministers, which leave the time that the economy of the scam are innocent, as stated in the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. See Reuters.com, 06.12.2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/foreignNews/idITLDE6B508B20101206 ] [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews / idITMIE6B505520101206 .
(11) See Reuters, 18/11/2011 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/foreignNews/idITLDE71H0QJ20110218 ] and Calculated Risk: " Update: ECB marginal lending [ http://www.rischiocalcolato.it/2011/02/ce-del-marcio-in-portogallo-solo-unaltra-banca-che-salta-in-aria.html ]. The marginal refinancing operations are those set out in Item 5.5 of the Consolidated financial statement (weekly) Eurosystem [ http://www.ecb.int/press/pr/wfs/2011/html/index.en.html ].
(12) See the initiative organized by Eric Cantona called " Bankrun2010 [ http://www.bankrun2010.com ]. With these initiatives, however, the general public can 'easily be held personally accountable' huge "gap " trust between perception and reality 'of the banking system. In fact usually compared to Euros 100 deposited in the bank and concrete 'can return only about 3 euros, the rest pultroppo after the foreclosure, "sub-prime and' just hot air in the oil received in confidence .
In the U.S., after drainage due to the sub-prime mortgages - from early 2009 to now - over a billion dollars of potential losses (1) from the folds of the budgets of large universal banks and the related system shadow banking (see Chapter 1), the central bank (Fed), having nearly tripled its budget during the same period of time, decided to print even more 'money to buy, say, U.S. Treasury: and 'the so-called quantitative easing 2 - QE2 . Incidentally, the central bankers rather than 'the expression " drain or cover losses in the banking system " used to say: " stabilize the financial system or markets "and to do this' it will take more U.S. $ 600 million over the next eight months! (2) . The reasons are propaganda to promote maximum employment and stability 'in prices, that' is not the water which boils at ninety degrees, but the right angle! Many people wonder what is behind it, and some ventured that the QE2 - unlike QE1 and that 'served to save the banks from bankruptcy - will' eliminate the presion U.S. government bonds.'s dilemma and 'easy to solve, just go to see where these titles will be purchased on the primary market or secondary? In the first case frock' the government, in the second one will cover potential losses by banks. The problem real ' that the object of the QE2, I'm not phony bonds securitized by gunmen disguised as sound banks but treasury bills.
In Europe, after having spent 4.588 billion euro in aid to the financial system and banks over the past two years until October 2010 (3) and have "saved" each other from Greece, taxpayers and investors in the euro area are "saving" one another first from Ireland and Portugal, then (4) . In the end, after all self-"saved" one by one, we hope that the European taxpayers and investors together are able also to save the European Union, is well represented by the cat Jose ' and the fox Herman, and Jean-Claude Eater with his substantial collection of puppets in form, ready to move to tender thread: the Roman Empire, Mario, Giulio, the George and Julia's Azeglio , Some examples of the Italian language.
Also in Europe, the trick of losses drain on the budgets of large banks, is costing - as well as failure in res ideal - even bankruptcy closely and budgetary European Central Bank (ECB), which will see 'forced to seek a capital increase humiliating (5) . Just to emphasize the solidity 'of the euro!
The failure of the ideal system for banks central and 'manifest in the moment they were put in place the measures called unconventional , which specifically are open market operations that relate to non-government securities, or auction an unlimited amount. With this type of intervention is beyond the role of central bank monetary policy and fiscal policy comes in, because the objective of these interventions is not 'the transmission of monetary policy but fiscal policy aimed at saving some market participants that would otherwise fail. In a democracy, this modus operandi and 'unacceptable! The utilities' economic and social system and central banks' over and you and 'introduced a system, elitist, plutocratic (6) .
The Wealth of Nations, so 'as the subject will not be created from nothing (7) , but it certainly can' be destroyed or annihilated. The anti-matter and an instrument of impoverishment of nations - that decision-makers and bureaucrats "modern" at their disposal to destroy wealth - it's called: universal bank (8) .
Current acts accomandigia (9) that the 'European Financial Stability Facility - EFSF " (10) is about to conclude with the most nation-states' weak to save the big banks, not will certainly prevent the natural dissolution universal bank, after its failure to model the circular flow of income "(see Chapter 2). Watch out for spikes ECB marginal lending, will serve as a signal to investors of a certain nation state, 'cause that means huge piers of money have been used to plug the holes of a few large bank zombies (or rather : insolvent) , before the big bang just around the corner (11) that will drag 'into the abyss for the first citizens of the state occupied by large national bank.
In order to speed up the natural decay of the universal bank, real risk to the stability 'of modern democracies, economies and their societies', are therefore welcome the initiatives organized they are offering account holders the bank run (cd bankrun ) reasons, and not dictated by fear as usual (12) . Ineptitude in front of decision makers and bureaucrats, unable to prevail over the neo-corporate power of universal banks, such initiatives may well organized force governments to liberalize the collection of savings from the public and transform the commercial banking system in public infrastructure , so 'as they are, for example, the railroad tracks, roads and ridges telecominicazioni.
(1) See entries in blue and light blue ( Federal agencies debt securities, mortgage-securities backet ) color display in the budget of the U.S. central bank (Fed) [ http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/06/11/a-look-inside- feds-balance-sheet-61109-update / ].
(2) See CNNMoney.com, November 3, 2010 [ http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/03/news/economy/fed_decision/index.htm ]. An amount equal to the net salary per year of about 20 million U.S. workers, since in 2008 the average salary and the 'state of $ 30,774 =.
(3) See Reuters, 01.12.2010 [ http://www.asca.it/news-UE__AIUTI_STATO_A_SETTORE_FINANZIARIO_OLTRE_4_500_MLD_IN_2_ANNI-971250-ECO&comunicati=1-.html ]. See Reuters.com, December 1, 2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idITMIE6B00BL20101201 ]. Just to get a comparison of the expenditure, the GDP of Germany in 2009 amounted to U.S. $ 3.3467 trillion [ http://data.worldbank.org/country/germany ], Italy's GDP in 2009 amounted to U.S. $ 2.11278 trillion [ http://data.worldbank.org/country/italy ].
(4) See, Ireland, gardian.co.uk, November 22, 2010 [ http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/21/ireland-asks-70bn-eu-bailout ] and Portugal, Reuters.com, November 26, 2010 [ http://it.reuters.com/article/itEuroRpt/idITLDE6AP06O20101126 ].
(5) See Reuters.com, 13/12/2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idITMIE6BC0I820101213 ].
(6) See elitism [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elitismo ] and plutocracy [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutocrazia ].
(7) See [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equazioni_di_Maxwell ].
(8) See self-evident clarity of Giulio Sapelli, University 'of Milan, Il Sole 24 Ore, 13 November 2010: "The only prescription for the crisis and limit the' breaking of the financial industry, separate activity ' commercial from investment: banks should not be able to use the deposits of account holders to supply the leverage. "
(9) accomandigia Act means an act by which, in the Middle Ages, a municipality or a rule was put under the protection of another municipality or another woman, a time or in perpetuity. See Historical Dictionary CNR items: accomandigia [ http://tlio.ovi.cnr.it/voci/000545.htm ].
(10) For EFSF [See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Financial_Stability_Facility ]. Unless there is some Boeotian the world might believe that the Italian contributions to ensure Tremonti EFSF them from his own pocket, you can not see with their own What powers without an ad hoc law he can tie Italy to take in his name, valid legal obligations to honor the guarantee fund with DKK 79 billion up to June 30, 2013. Perhaps the champions of the law enough to think that a directive or a regulation to pull out of the pockets of Italians, the colossal figure? As is known the art. 11 of the Italian Constitution provides for the accession of Italy to the international organizations that pursue institutional peace and justice among nations. From a historical point of view this provision was intended by the constituents to allow Italy to join the nascent UN membership today stem from that for example the participation of Italy, by surreptitiously, the war in Afghanistan, the Balkans and in Iraq, although Italy rejects war as a means of settling international disputes. Next Article. 11 and 'was played - in the unsystematic - by the Constitutional Court to legitimize the pseudo-and more serious limitations of sovereignty' resulting from the Italian participation in the Communities 'European and now the European Union, thus making' through interpretation directly applicable Intalio into the EU regulations, decisions of the European Court, and in some cases even the European directives (see Chapter 4, footnote 8). It 'obvious today, in front of the democratic deficit of European institutions and in front of the delicacy of the materials for which these institutions would legislate that interpretation has become unbearable for the system of parliamentary democracy. The European Union, pultroppo, even before the euro to fail, and 'time to failure in its ability' to meet the needs and aspirations of Europeans. Needs and aspirations of more and more 'often do not coincide with the interests of big banks and corporations. The euro and 'sewing a dress made for universal banks and European multinationals, their budgets and failed' also failed the euro. From a legal point of view of efficiency, the arrangements agreed by representatives of the Italian government in the meetings referred to as "Ecofin" and "Eurogroup" are similar to those acts of government in Italy is defined as "ministerial decrees "as long as they are applied to a prior Act of Parliament. Otherwise, it may represent nothing more than mere declarations of intent of Ministers, which leave the time that the economy of the scam are innocent, as stated in the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. See Reuters.com, 06.12.2010 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/foreignNews/idITLDE6B508B20101206 ] [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/businessNews / idITMIE6B505520101206 .
(11) See Reuters, 18/11/2011 [ http://borsaitaliana.it.reuters.com/article/foreignNews/idITLDE71H0QJ20110218 ] and Calculated Risk: " Update: ECB marginal lending [ http://www.rischiocalcolato.it/2011/02/ce-del-marcio-in-portogallo-solo-unaltra-banca-che-salta-in-aria.html ]. The marginal refinancing operations are those set out in Item 5.5 of the Consolidated financial statement (weekly) Eurosystem [ http://www.ecb.int/press/pr/wfs/2011/html/index.en.html ].
(12) See the initiative organized by Eric Cantona called " Bankrun2010 [ http://www.bankrun2010.com ]. With these initiatives, however, the general public can 'easily be held personally accountable' huge "gap " trust between perception and reality 'of the banking system. In fact usually compared to Euros 100 deposited in the bank and concrete 'can return only about 3 euros, the rest pultroppo after the foreclosure, "sub-prime and' just hot air in the oil received in confidence .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Amscot Florida Routing Number
During the weekend we will present programs for the winter and those of 2011 .... And listen, listen !!!.... You can book courses and accommodation with a 20% discount (our early booking)
You can sleep on the boat and / or take an exit test Mioara II or Vania or Maid.
Every night, naturally heated!, Costs only 25 euro per person
program outputs: Saturday mornings (at 10-12),
Saturday afternoon ( 14-16) and in the same hours Sunday
Each output is only 25 euro per person
Book if you want to be sure you have the place by boat, for the output and perhaps to stay on board. Thank you and good wind
From Friday, November 12 at 17:30 - Monday, November 15 at 9:00 am, weekends arranged to meet, see and try our Fezzano Delphia 40 (now we have two and the second is called Vania!) And Fiumicino Sun Fizz 41.
During the weekend we will present programs for the winter and those of 2011 .... And listen, listen !!!.... You can book courses and accommodation with a 20% discount (our early booking)
You can sleep on the boat and / or take an exit test Mioara II or Vania or Maid.
Every night, naturally heated!, Costs only 25 euro per person
program outputs: Saturday mornings (at 10-12),
Saturday afternoon ( 14-16) and in the same hours Sunday
Each output is only 25 euro per person
Book if you want to be sure you have the place by boat, for the output and perhaps to stay on board. Thank you and good wind
Tel +393286861612
www.easyvela.it E-mail: info@easyvela.it
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Impacted Bowel Treatments
Captain's Log!
have been many times the viewer the experience of the group, have the opportunity to see how a team is born (the first arrivals, accommodation, the presentations, the galley ... ) Leaves me to believe it would be interesting to tell your point of view on the experience:
the intent is to share your experience trying to communicate what it means to "go to sea, our true mission. Navigation is in our DNA and that is what we would like to convey to all ...
The idea is that of logbook , the document that contains the annotations of the captain on places, events, routes ... And if we ask you to enclose, in a sentence, a log book?
Feeling crew captain, deck steward hub and tried to express your experience on Miora II on the occasion of your course, cruise, driver's license ... in a few words??
will be my care to post your thoughts on our own, and now yours, blog http://sailcruise.blogspot. com /
Here are the first to write ...
The idea of \u200b\u200bMario is just beautiful. I hope to sail with you soon. Meanwhile I try to write a sentence ...

have been many times the viewer the experience of the group, have the opportunity to see how a team is born (the first arrivals, accommodation, the presentations, the galley ... ) Leaves me to believe it would be interesting to tell your point of view on the experience:
the intent is to share your experience trying to communicate what it means to "go to sea, our true mission. Navigation is in our DNA and that is what we would like to convey to all ...
The idea is that of logbook , the document that contains the annotations of the captain on places, events, routes ... And if we ask you to enclose, in a sentence, a log book?
Feeling crew captain, deck steward hub and tried to express your experience on Miora II on the occasion of your course, cruise, driver's license ... in a few words??
will be my care to post your thoughts on our own, and now yours, blog http://sailcruise.blogspot.
Here are the first to write ...
The idea of \u200b\u200bMario is just beautiful. I hope to sail with you soon. Meanwhile I try to write a sentence ...
THE STARS, THE DAWN, THE BLUE OF THE SEA AND SKY, dolphins and seagulls who share with us This infinite space ..... The magic of this white shell that will welcome us with its wings
For me to sit on Miora II was the opportunity to prove myself to myself than another media en de l ' i realize that as usual in everyday life is important is not so much what you do otherwise with those who do, thank the crew for everything they've learned with them these days, it was a life experience that never forget, thank you all for those days and share importantisseme many little things.
Kisses and good wind boys!
For me to sit on Miora II was the opportunity to prove myself to myself than another media en de l ' i realize that as usual in everyday life is important is not so much what you do otherwise with those who do, thank the crew for everything they've learned with them these days, it was a life experience that never forget, thank you all for those days and share importantisseme many little things.
Kisses and good wind boys!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Catholic Saint For Occupational Therapy
Cutter "dream" Last boarding
We have a new boat, named Dream and Mauritius, for a long time member of Easyvela, it is the skipper!
Dream is a Cutter 47 ", built in the 80s but with the charm of the old ladies of the sea. In the coming days we will have pictures!
Believe's voice trembled as she told me about Maurice the final touches that serve to prepare the boat for the summer.
This is a two masts, schooner with double furling genoa, storm sails, spinnaker ...
Dream is added to the fleet Easyvela covering a fascinating area that we were missing, because this year Maurice veleggerà archipelago of La Maddalena in August and September, with detours to Bonifacio in southern Corsica.
More details on www.easyvela.it
Send requests well v
Good wind
We have a new boat, named Dream and Mauritius, for a long time member of Easyvela, it is the skipper!
Dream is a Cutter 47 ", built in the 80s but with the charm of the old ladies of the sea. In the coming days we will have pictures!
Believe's voice trembled as she told me about Maurice the final touches that serve to prepare the boat for the summer.
This is a two masts, schooner with double furling genoa, storm sails, spinnaker ...
Dream is added to the fleet Easyvela covering a fascinating area that we were missing, because this year Maurice veleggerà archipelago of La Maddalena in August and September, with detours to Bonifacio in southern Corsica.
More details on www.easyvela.it
Send requests well v
Good wind
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Swollen Red Toe Toddler
The proposed itinerary for this summer was a huge success;
having already committed a couple of weekends you can take advantage of two special occasions:
1 - July 17 to 23, six days, boarding and disembarking in Fezzano ... only 400 €
2 - July 26 to August 7, 13 nights (boarding and Fezzano landing in San Vincenzo .... only 900 €
The route is always the same Capraia, Elba, Corsica
to book call 348 22 83 124 328 68 61 612
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Css -dxlevel Launch Options
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What Is Good For Dry Flaky Skin On Forehead
summer is near with ASD EASYVELA
The meta 'in June and' arrived and the holidays are becoming more
'close .... and as we all know those are always the boat
Then we make a good program for next summer??
I remind you our suggestions
Petit Breton : a unique cruise from Malta to Greece, Tunisia and
to Egadi in Sicily.
Mioara : Tuscan archipelago and Corsica
Maido : Pontine, Gulf of NapoliEolie
Skipereli : Ionian Greece
turtleneck : Dodecanese and Rhodes
The meta 'in June and' arrived and the holidays are becoming more
'close .... and as we all know those are always the boat
Then we make a good program for next summer??
I remind you our suggestions
Petit Breton : a unique cruise from Malta to Greece, Tunisia and
to Egadi in Sicily.
Mioara : Tuscan archipelago and Corsica
Maido : Pontine, Gulf of NapoliEolie
Skipereli : Ionian Greece
turtleneck : Dodecanese and Rhodes
Send us an email to tell us where you would like to go and to what period, we
to better organize your trip and your company in the Mediterranean spending soar from 550 to 650 Euro per week!
Our programs are on the site www.easyvela.it
Write to info@easyvela.it
Could I Be Pregnant If Cervix Is Low And Hard
Environment concept

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
1000x1000 Multiplication Chart
Sunday morning Fezzano sailed from the group of guys that will go on board a week to follow the course license "full immersion"
I was with them Saturday and Sunday and I saw them arrive, one by one, motivated and prepared to embark on their first week of navigation: a really great crew!
E 'cruise which has given us, over time, more satisfaction, students and guests leaving happy and excited
Here they are during the first lesson of Meteorology!
Centerpieces For A Quincenera
July 30-10
Fezzano Capraia, Isola d? Elba Fezzano € 550
10-17 Fezzano Capraia, Elba, Corsica F ezzano € 550
17-24 Fezzano Capraia, Corsica Fezzano € 550
24-31 Fezzano Capraia, Isola d? Elba Fezzano € 550
31/07-17 Fezzano , Capraia, Elba, Corsica, S. Vincenzo € 650
7-14 and 14-21 S. Vincent, Capraia, Elba, Corsica, S. Vincenzo € 650
21-28 S. Vincent, Capraia, Elba, Corsica, Fezzano € 650
CHECK IN: Saturday 18:00 h
CHECK OUT: Saturday 9.00
INCLUDING: Skipper, GPS , Chart plotter, Autopilot, Lazy jacks + lazy bag, Bimini Top, Hot water, Dinghy and outboard, CD Radio, insurance
PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE: Transfers to and from the port of embarkation, fuel, ports, food (including skipper) and everything that does not appear in the "included". These items will be regulated by a common fund among cruise passengers.
BOAT: Mioara II - DELPHIA 40 to 3 cabins - 2 baths - hot water
SEATS AVAILABLE: 8 (6 + 2 in dinette in the cabin)
To book send an email to info @ easyvela.it
July 30-10
Fezzano Capraia, Isola d? Elba Fezzano € 550
10-17 Fezzano Capraia, Elba, Corsica F ezzano € 550
17-24 Fezzano Capraia, Corsica Fezzano € 550
24-31 Fezzano Capraia, Isola d? Elba Fezzano € 550
31/07-17 Fezzano , Capraia, Elba, Corsica, S. Vincenzo € 650
7-14 and 14-21 S. Vincent, Capraia, Elba, Corsica, S. Vincenzo € 650
21-28 S. Vincent, Capraia, Elba, Corsica, Fezzano € 650
CHECK IN: Saturday 18:00 h
CHECK OUT: Saturday 9.00
INCLUDING: Skipper, GPS , Chart plotter, Autopilot, Lazy jacks + lazy bag, Bimini Top, Hot water, Dinghy and outboard, CD Radio, insurance
PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE: Transfers to and from the port of embarkation, fuel, ports, food (including skipper) and everything that does not appear in the "included". These items will be regulated by a common fund among cruise passengers.
BOAT: Mioara II - DELPHIA 40 to 3 cabins - 2 baths - hot water
SEATS AVAILABLE: 8 (6 + 2 in dinette in the cabin)
To book send an email to info @ easyvela.it
Monday, May 31, 2010
Arch Pain While Skating Two Minutes
II Sicily, Greece and Tunisia ... the 10 cruises Easyvela!
Dear Friends, lovers of blue water sailing,
this year EasyVela ASD offers a wide choice of opportunities to sail in the Mediterranean with the "boat friends" led by our Crew Members.
Choose your vacation one or two weeks:
in the Tyrrhenian
with Mioara II veleggerà the Tuscan archipelago and Corsica and Maido that over the coast of Lazio and Campania will make you surf Aeolian Islands in the Mediterranean
with Petit Breton circumnavigation of the Peloponnese that in addition to going to Malta and Tunisia
islands in the Ionian Greece
with Skipereli that spend the summer between Corfu and Zakynthos
the Dodecanese Islands of Greece
turtleneck with that sail between Patmos and Rhodes.
from May 22 to May 29 - Cruise 1
Departure from Cagliari to the Aegadian, Trapani and Marsala. NM. 190
A week of sailing with a few quick steps, influenced by meteorology we will decide where and when to stop, choosing instead Favignana, then Trapani, a town situated between two seas, also known as a city of salt and sailing and famous for Marsala its wines. We do trolling, Altomare a true experience to remember and learn.
from May 29 to June 5 - 2
Cruise Departing from Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, (Pantelleria), Sciacca, Licata. NM. 190 Navigation happy with stops in major ports of the Sicilian coast. If the conditions weather permitting we will make a trip to Pantelleria, otherwise we will continue quiet and safe navigation of the good cooking and history.
from June 5 to June 12 - Cruise 3
Leaving Licata, Marina di Ragusa, Pozzallo, Marzanemi, Siracusa, Catania, Roccella Ionica. NM. 198
coastal shipping continues with stops in major ports of the Sicilian coast get to Catania with a long jump from where we will arrive on the coast of Calabria, Roccella Ionica to prepare for the crossing to Greece.
from June 12 to June 19 - Cruise 4
Departure from Roccella Ionica, Kefalonia (Argostoli), Zakynthos. NM. over 200
A crossing of 190 NM in the center of the Ionian Sea, a day and a half of navigation reach the islands of Greece will visit the leisure to rest from the long Korfu and sailed as the mythical Ithaca.
from June 19 to June 26 - Cruise 5
Departure: Zante, Katakolon, Pylos, Methoni, Kalamata, Porto Kayo, Skoutari. NM. 190
A week along the coast of the Peloponnese with winds in this usually quiet season and in these places. The waters are enchanting as the islands and bays of the dream, like the beach Voidokilia to 6 / 4 miles north of Pylos. In Greece, the sea is pristine places like the Mani peninsula are huge open-air museums hard to imagine how the capital is Kalamata in the "autonomous" of the Messinia whose ancestors founded our Messina.
June to 03 July - Cruise 6 Leaving
Skoutari, Gytheio, Plytra, Elaphonisos, Monemtasia, Kelios, Ermioni, Poros , Corinth. NM. 167 Second week along the coast of the Peloponnese that takes us through the history and sites you know the name, but we have never seen, to the famous Canal Corinto.Ogni stopover port or island has a history you will be told in slow wandering in the sea of \u200b\u200bGreece
from July 3 to July 10 - Cruise 7
Partenzada Corinth, Ormus Vathi, Andikiron, Itea, Galaxidhi, Trizonia, Patras, Mesolongion, Sami, Poros, Argostoli. NM. 240 After the excitement of crossing the Corinth Canal and sail around the Gulf of Patras to return to Agostopoli (Kefalonia). Visit, with short stretches of navigation, many popular locations where we stop to refresh our Hellenic culture and have the response from our future to the sanctuary of Delphi.
from July 10 to July 17 - Cruise 8
Departure from Argostoli, Roccella Ionica, Syracuse, Marzanemi, Pozzallo. NM. 330 (of which 280 of crossings from Argostoli Roccella Ionica Syracuse) A week of very high ground dominated and influenced by the winds of the season, sirocco or bora or teacher that will take us from Greece to Sicily. For lovers of long voyages who want to experience the pleasure of the open sea and the night in the light of the moon and the Milky Way
from July 17 to July 24 - 9 Cruise Departing from Pozzallo, Malta ( Valletta), Gozo, Malta. NM. 116 Another week on the high seas, where a line in the water will not fail to catch some bonito and with a precise objective: Malta and Gozo. After crossing we can quietly enjoy the two islands and diving enthusiasts can not dispense dall'immergersi in the famous "blue holes".
from July 24 to July 31 - Cruise 10
Departure from Malta, Linosa, Lampedusa, Hammamet, Kelibia. NM. 270 (of which 230 of crossings from Malta to Linosa, Lampedusa and Hammamet) Weeks offshore there. ... It leaves Malta to Tunisia. But the route provides Lampedusa and Linosa before landing in the Gulf of Hammamet.
from 31 July to 07 August - 11 Cruise Departing from Kelibia, Sid Bou Said, Bizerte, Cagliari. NM. 215 (of which 120 from Bizerte to Cagliari) to complete the last stretch that separates us from Cagliari to return to crown the long navigation of 3000-mile Petit Breton with her Marcello has planned for this summer.
Download the flyer from the site
details on www.easyvela.it
Dear Friends, lovers of blue water sailing,
this year EasyVela ASD offers a wide choice of opportunities to sail in the Mediterranean with the "boat friends" led by our Crew Members.
Choose your vacation one or two weeks:
in the Tyrrhenian
with Mioara II veleggerà the Tuscan archipelago and Corsica and Maido that over the coast of Lazio and Campania will make you surf Aeolian Islands in the Mediterranean
with Petit Breton circumnavigation of the Peloponnese that in addition to going to Malta and Tunisia
islands in the Ionian Greece
with Skipereli that spend the summer between Corfu and Zakynthos
the Dodecanese Islands of Greece
turtleneck with that sail between Patmos and Rhodes.
from May 22 to May 29 - Cruise 1
Departure from Cagliari to the Aegadian, Trapani and Marsala. NM. 190
A week of sailing with a few quick steps, influenced by meteorology we will decide where and when to stop, choosing instead Favignana, then Trapani, a town situated between two seas, also known as a city of salt and sailing and famous for Marsala its wines. We do trolling, Altomare a true experience to remember and learn.
from May 29 to June 5 - 2
Cruise Departing from Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, (Pantelleria), Sciacca, Licata. NM. 190 Navigation happy with stops in major ports of the Sicilian coast. If the conditions weather permitting we will make a trip to Pantelleria, otherwise we will continue quiet and safe navigation of the good cooking and history.
from June 5 to June 12 - Cruise 3
Leaving Licata, Marina di Ragusa, Pozzallo, Marzanemi, Siracusa, Catania, Roccella Ionica. NM. 198
coastal shipping continues with stops in major ports of the Sicilian coast get to Catania with a long jump from where we will arrive on the coast of Calabria, Roccella Ionica to prepare for the crossing to Greece.
from June 12 to June 19 - Cruise 4
Departure from Roccella Ionica, Kefalonia (Argostoli), Zakynthos. NM. over 200
A crossing of 190 NM in the center of the Ionian Sea, a day and a half of navigation reach the islands of Greece will visit the leisure to rest from the long Korfu and sailed as the mythical Ithaca.
from June 19 to June 26 - Cruise 5
Departure: Zante, Katakolon, Pylos, Methoni, Kalamata, Porto Kayo, Skoutari. NM. 190
A week along the coast of the Peloponnese with winds in this usually quiet season and in these places. The waters are enchanting as the islands and bays of the dream, like the beach Voidokilia to 6 / 4 miles north of Pylos. In Greece, the sea is pristine places like the Mani peninsula are huge open-air museums hard to imagine how the capital is Kalamata in the "autonomous" of the Messinia whose ancestors founded our Messina.
June to 03 July - Cruise 6 Leaving
Skoutari, Gytheio, Plytra, Elaphonisos, Monemtasia, Kelios, Ermioni, Poros , Corinth. NM. 167 Second week along the coast of the Peloponnese that takes us through the history and sites you know the name, but we have never seen, to the famous Canal Corinto.Ogni stopover port or island has a history you will be told in slow wandering in the sea of \u200b\u200bGreece
from July 3 to July 10 - Cruise 7
Partenzada Corinth, Ormus Vathi, Andikiron, Itea, Galaxidhi, Trizonia, Patras, Mesolongion, Sami, Poros, Argostoli. NM. 240 After the excitement of crossing the Corinth Canal and sail around the Gulf of Patras to return to Agostopoli (Kefalonia). Visit, with short stretches of navigation, many popular locations where we stop to refresh our Hellenic culture and have the response from our future to the sanctuary of Delphi.
from July 10 to July 17 - Cruise 8
Departure from Argostoli, Roccella Ionica, Syracuse, Marzanemi, Pozzallo. NM. 330 (of which 280 of crossings from Argostoli Roccella Ionica Syracuse) A week of very high ground dominated and influenced by the winds of the season, sirocco or bora or teacher that will take us from Greece to Sicily. For lovers of long voyages who want to experience the pleasure of the open sea and the night in the light of the moon and the Milky Way
from July 17 to July 24 - 9 Cruise Departing from Pozzallo, Malta ( Valletta), Gozo, Malta. NM. 116 Another week on the high seas, where a line in the water will not fail to catch some bonito and with a precise objective: Malta and Gozo. After crossing we can quietly enjoy the two islands and diving enthusiasts can not dispense dall'immergersi in the famous "blue holes".
from July 24 to July 31 - Cruise 10
Departure from Malta, Linosa, Lampedusa, Hammamet, Kelibia. NM. 270 (of which 230 of crossings from Malta to Linosa, Lampedusa and Hammamet) Weeks offshore there. ... It leaves Malta to Tunisia. But the route provides Lampedusa and Linosa before landing in the Gulf of Hammamet.
from 31 July to 07 August - 11 Cruise Departing from Kelibia, Sid Bou Said, Bizerte, Cagliari. NM. 215 (of which 120 from Bizerte to Cagliari) to complete the last stretch that separates us from Cagliari to return to crown the long navigation of 3000-mile Petit Breton with her Marcello has planned for this summer.
Download the flyer from the site
details on www.easyvela.it
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Multiple Polyps On Gallbladder
Gargano and tremors - the bridge on 2 June 2010 on Elan
From May 28 to June 2 (4 ½ days).
From June 2 to June 6 (4 ½ days).
embarkation at 16. Accommodation and galley storage. Night Boat BARI
Saturday: Departure at dawn to
Trani, a sail of about 3 hours, lunch on board, visit the beautiful town with its famous cathedral, shopping, dinner on board or restaurant.
Route to Vieste, with its salt, visit the town, dinner on board or restaurant.
Route ISLANDS TREMITI with several stops in some typical places. Night at anchor or in port. Possibility to go for shopping, dinner on board or restaurant
at about 12 RHODES GARGANICO route to arriving in the afternoon. Opportunity to go ashore to sample the local specialties, overnight on board in the marina
at about 10 to return VIESTE fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the sea with PESCHICI bathrooms sweet bays. 15 hours for change of crew. New crew embarkation at 16.
baggage system and galley
Route to Tremiti Islands and circumnavigate the island with several stops in some typical places. Night in the harbor. Opportunity to go ashore by tender. Restaurants and shopping
TREMITI Completing the circumnavigation of islands to discover fantastic coves around 13 VIESTE course for dinner and overnight on board
10 hours en route to the beautiful TRANI dinner on board or restaurant
10 hours en route to BARI
€ 350 for the bridge
€ 550 per week
Skipper, GPS chartplotter, log, echo, wind, VHF, stereo radio, CD, DVD, TV, PC, bimini top, spray hood, cockpit table, dinghy, windlass, furling genoa, fully battened mainsail, spinnaker with sock of 120, with bowsprit, gas bottles, barbecue charcoal aft gangway and swim ladder, hot and cold shower inside and outside, fridge, kitchen equipment, fishing rods and equipment to pull, charger, cable for 220v outlet, pillows, mattresses, battiscafo, policy body, lively
Towels (10 Euro / person), galley sheets (to be considered also the skipper) fuel costs, port charges mooring everything that does not appear in the "included". These items will be regulated by a common fund among cruise passengers .
BOAT: SKIPERELI - BAVARIA 39 to 3 cabins - 2 baths - hot water
SEATS AVAILABLE: 8 (6 + 2 in dinette in the cabin)
Download the flayer of the cruise on the site More info on
From May 28 to June 2 (4 ½ days).
From June 2 to June 6 (4 ½ days).
embarkation at 16. Accommodation and galley storage. Night Boat BARI
Saturday: Departure at dawn to
Trani, a sail of about 3 hours, lunch on board, visit the beautiful town with its famous cathedral, shopping, dinner on board or restaurant.
Route to Vieste, with its salt, visit the town, dinner on board or restaurant.
Route ISLANDS TREMITI with several stops in some typical places. Night at anchor or in port. Possibility to go for shopping, dinner on board or restaurant
at about 12 RHODES GARGANICO route to arriving in the afternoon. Opportunity to go ashore to sample the local specialties, overnight on board in the marina
at about 10 to return VIESTE fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the sea with PESCHICI bathrooms sweet bays. 15 hours for change of crew. New crew embarkation at 16.
baggage system and galley
Route to Tremiti Islands and circumnavigate the island with several stops in some typical places. Night in the harbor. Opportunity to go ashore by tender. Restaurants and shopping
TREMITI Completing the circumnavigation of islands to discover fantastic coves around 13 VIESTE course for dinner and overnight on board
10 hours en route to the beautiful TRANI dinner on board or restaurant
10 hours en route to BARI
€ 350 for the bridge
€ 550 per week
Skipper, GPS chartplotter, log, echo, wind, VHF, stereo radio, CD, DVD, TV, PC, bimini top, spray hood, cockpit table, dinghy, windlass, furling genoa, fully battened mainsail, spinnaker with sock of 120, with bowsprit, gas bottles, barbecue charcoal aft gangway and swim ladder, hot and cold shower inside and outside, fridge, kitchen equipment, fishing rods and equipment to pull, charger, cable for 220v outlet, pillows, mattresses, battiscafo, policy body, lively
Towels (10 Euro / person), galley sheets (to be considered also the skipper) fuel costs, port charges mooring everything that does not appear in the "included". These items will be regulated by a common fund among cruise passengers .
BOAT: SKIPERELI - BAVARIA 39 to 3 cabins - 2 baths - hot water
SEATS AVAILABLE: 8 (6 + 2 in dinette in the cabin)
Download the flayer of the cruise on the site More info on
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Coors Beer Gift Baskets
Giraglia Rolex Cup - 11 - 19 June 2010 How can we miss one of racing's most exciting and popular for sailing the high seas ...! Here you will find professional sailors and lovers of the sea to sail together on the new path that provides the route "Saint Tropez - La Fourmigue - The Giraglia - San Remo."
The race is organized by the Italian Yacht Club, the Société Nautique de Saint Tropez, under the auspices of the Italian Sailing Federation, the Federation Francaise de Voile, with the collaboration of YC of San Remo, the city of Sanremo, the City of Saint Tropez and the YC de France organizer delegate in France.
Friday June 11 23.00: Race Sanremo - Saint Tropez
Sunday 13 / 6 Inshore Races
Monday, 14 / 6 Inshore Races
Tuesday, 15 / 6 Inshore Races - Race Awards coastal
Wednesday, 16 / 6 Check the Giraglia Rolex Cup
Saturday 19 / 6 Awards final
Social Events
Saturday, June 12
Sanremo YCS quay side
h.20.00: Party Welcome
Tuesday, June 15:
Saint Tropez "La Citadelle"
h.20.30: Rolex Awards Dinner and Inshore
Friday, June 18:
Sanremo YCS quay side
h.20.30: Night Riviera
Saturday, June 19:
Sanremo YCS quay side
h: 13:00: Final Award
complete Individual rate: 590 € (with loading / unloading in Sanremo)
Race and inshore night: 350 € (with boarding and disembarking in San Remo to Saint Tropez)
Race "long": € 350 (boarding and disembarking in Saint Tropez to San Remo)
Includes: docking, fuel, accommodation on board, entry to the races, 3 persons minimum crew.
Not included: deposit (€ 150.00 to be paid in cash on boarding, which will be refunded if no damage occurred to
equipment and boat), food (including crew), FIV personal membership card "Events at Sea"
(€ 15.00), any movement on the ground and everything not included in the "includes".
Giraglia Rolex Cup - 11 - 19 June 2010 How can we miss one of racing's most exciting and popular for sailing the high seas ...! Here you will find professional sailors and lovers of the sea to sail together on the new path that provides the route "Saint Tropez - La Fourmigue - The Giraglia - San Remo."
The race is organized by the Italian Yacht Club, the Société Nautique de Saint Tropez, under the auspices of the Italian Sailing Federation, the Federation Francaise de Voile, with the collaboration of YC of San Remo, the city of Sanremo, the City of Saint Tropez and the YC de France organizer delegate in France.
Friday June 11 23.00: Race Sanremo - Saint Tropez
Sunday 13 / 6 Inshore Races
Monday, 14 / 6 Inshore Races
Tuesday, 15 / 6 Inshore Races - Race Awards coastal
Wednesday, 16 / 6 Check the Giraglia Rolex Cup
Saturday 19 / 6 Awards final
Social Events
Saturday, June 12
Sanremo YCS quay side
h.20.00: Party Welcome
Tuesday, June 15:
Saint Tropez "La Citadelle"
h.20.30: Rolex Awards Dinner and Inshore
Friday, June 18:
Sanremo YCS quay side
h.20.30: Night Riviera
Saturday, June 19:
Sanremo YCS quay side
h: 13:00: Final Award
complete Individual rate: 590 € (with loading / unloading in Sanremo)
Race and inshore night: 350 € (with boarding and disembarking in San Remo to Saint Tropez)
Race "long": € 350 (boarding and disembarking in Saint Tropez to San Remo)
Includes: docking, fuel, accommodation on board, entry to the races, 3 persons minimum crew.
Not included: deposit (€ 150.00 to be paid in cash on boarding, which will be refunded if no damage occurred to
equipment and boat), food (including crew), FIV personal membership card "Events at Sea"
(€ 15.00), any movement on the ground and everything not included in the "includes".
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