Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Much Does X Games Cost

Chapter 5 - He writes: "Greece," read: "banks"

Like the United States have learned from the crisis of subprime mortgages that you can not 'eat the egg when it' still in the "belly" of the hen, so 'Europe will have 'way to learn that the bad apples should not be kept in the same basket as those healthy (1) .

E' clear to everyone by now that the rescue attempt, of Greece, in reality ', and' the attempt rescue at the expense of nationals of EU states, the large European universal banks who hold securities on their balance sheets have been Greek. Banks are already 'per se' insolvent, that they already 'delapidato the savings of their depositors and that this time can not hide the losses in the folds of their accounts (*) . They should be nationalized and will finally be forced to permanently close its doors, knocking away the ' political and financial elite. This clique delusional uses the authorities 'independent central bank, the European Commission and in particular the European Council (an illegal body not covered in the treaties establishing the Communities', devoid of forms of democratic control and judicial), to pursue an ideal elitist and undemocratic (**) . Adopts the model of neo-corporatism, authoritarianism in the legal exercise of legislative power management, use the mixing and stirring the public-private totem independence and modernization makes every nefandenza just to procrastinate the more 'stubborn conservatism in the market the claim, the economic power of information. Hopelessly impoverished communities 'work and makes all those who are not part of their religious confession, doctrinal and liturgical, less free and more' slaves. Political perfectly aligned, as Frattini, they think it that the impetus to the strengthening of European economic governance must come from the International Monetary Fund rather than 'by its citizens and voters! Fully organic or bureaucrats, as Barroso, think that governments should decide on an economic as well as monetary, rather than 'parliaments.

For anyone who knows history knows 'that authoritarians are more' easy to establish when you ride the discontent of the masses and is 'known to historians as to be dangerous in this sense, the rescue plans already' failed to start or run with the aim of bringing misery to the classes' weak (2) .

makers and bureaucrats of low stature - puppets ready any plausible story to tell (speculation, financial conspiracies, "wolf packs" and who knows' what else) just to gratify their stooges, namely, those that forage lobbies their campaigns - are willing to risk throwing in misery ordinary citizens rather than solving once and for all the financial problems of those big banks, which are now more 'casinos that lending institutions.

Citizens are more 'likely to rise rather than endure a bad government to seek justice, but when " a long train of abuses, abuses and deceit " make them manifest the will' of decision-makers and bureaucrats deliberately violate the laws and when " illegal acts perpetuated against their liberty 'and property' " they rise up in defense of their rights. In this case, the civil disobedience and 'legitimate (Locke, 1690). (a) From the acropolis of Athens

quancuno cries, " Peoples of Europe - Rise Up . What is' happening to them today, tomorrow it could happen to others in Europe. Gia 'today, to save the banks from default of Greece, all workers employed in the euro will have to sacrifice at least four or five salaries! We speak a total of 860 billion euro, or about € 6,000 per employee.

Oh people of Europe, ask vigorously for the abolition of the reserve collection of savings from the public in favor of banks , and as if by magic a new era of stability 'and growth, not only economic, it will open up' about the future. Ask force with the liberalization of the credit market and you will not be 'forced to keep leeches in the sweat of the brow, you will gain new opportunities' to work for you and your children, a renewed PLANNING' and greater social cohesion between different generations! Open up the credit market means removing barriers to entry for legal EXERCISE OF 'business banking. It means giving the right 'to all those who' they intend to contract in the form of banking business: (i) bank deposit, (ii) of credit, (iii) anticipation, (iv) discount and (v) to regulate all of these operations account. Sara 'then the free market decide who is' good and who is trustworthy or not at all! (b) .

Europeans wake up! Do not be suckered so 'your savings! Or are you so 'from disinterested toil you to enjoy other, the perfect crime, the fruits of your labor!

The Maastricht Treaty prohibits any member state to assume liabilities 'of another country in trouble', requires the country's insolvent out of the euro and only after his departure, and 'Let other states to help (3). But the rule is not sacrosanct when it comes to defending the interests of ' secularist elite of bankers and bureaucrats at the expense of ordinary citizens (4) . And 'the finance minister to declare to the Italian Parliament, knowing lie, a bit' of interest on the loan made to Greece from Italy are used to circumvent this rule.

Where were the European institutions when Greece with the help of Goldman Sachs makeup with swap your balance sheet accounts in order to enter the Euro?

The mechanism and 'always the same, that of the scam innocent, of saying one thing for another, to bring up what good' and that 'rotten to make money on' information asymmetry. Megamarketing strategies require the media to call a "maxi-shield-saving €" what 'in reality' is' a maxi-shield saving banks, and the representatives of the ECB to say that open market operations (buying bonds ) (***) conducted illegally by the central bank on government securities have no effect on inflation, and when 'well known to the contrary! (****) To say that money is going into the system " serves to stabilize the markets "as she goes' to cover the losses of universal banks! (5) And perhaps also those of the insurance. (6) Londoners if they intend to finance and know how the system works Financial. (7) Politicians, like Tremonti, they hasten to declare: " we have avoided the catastrophe, Europe is now 'much more' strong " while in reality '" the disaster and' only postponed and more 'strong in Europe there is' the only universal neo-corporation of bankers and bureaucrats . "In truth 'and' act in the most 'massive redistribution of wealth from the pockets of the workers' pockets bankers and bureaucrats. The evidence is plain for everyone to want to see: in the market prices of securities and universal banks in the euro, the first with increases of 20% while the second and 'massive drop in! (8)

The maxi-shield and 'fund (one case) filled with EUR 750 billion, is technically called " European Financial Stability Facility - EFSF" , a vehicle worthy of the worst traditional securitization style sub-prime , which is indebted to the market by issuing bonds to raise money, and to buy other securities (do not know 'of praise) the brink of insolvency (in English: default). This fund will issue securities with the guarantee of European states, which then will turn out the best portfolios of investment funds managed by banks, but more 'likely in the portfolios (less controllable) of pension funds managed by insurance companies. In essence, so that 'also the man in the street can understand this and basically just' that ' fresh paint and a nice barrel, with a layer of jam under the lid, full of manure, sold as fertilizer Last generation, able to grow - sow your money washed down - trees money! (9)

In a rich state poor people live, and live in a poor state rich citizens, will be 'good to remember when you have to pay taxes. (10) Gia 'also to pay taxes and' a rule that can 'be evaded. Bankers are well aware that for decades have increased the gross domestic product of tax havens with facilities specially equipped for this and anything else! (11) well aware of key decision makers who have always endorsed this practice is that, when and 'changed the wind (with G20) because of the financial crisis, have rushed to prepare the so-called tax shields to allow universal banks to repatriate low-cost, in their now empty coffers, the huge illegally exported capital!

Europe secularist elite, neo-corporate and anti-democratic bureaucrats, bankers, multinational corporations and interest groups, has already 'in mind for their next free meal at your expense, Dear Europeans, it's called taxation European (12) . A mixture of taxes taken directly out of your pocket with the approval of national politicians. Dear Europeans and 'sounded the alarm time, if you will not find yourself in a few years, the servants of a new turf!


(*) The mechanism of the scam innocent and 'well-documented. Acting Accounting Standards (uses), in good times, it allows banks to (i) assess the portfolio securities in accordance with the cd fair value, and then (ii) to distribute the gains (to strip the flesh off) even if these profits are merely estimates, and, although 'they have actually been made! The thing, however - at least in Italy - and 'illegal (and criminal penalties such as false company) for violation of Article. 2303, Civil Code, which states: " can not 'take place in the allocation of funds between members if not for profits actually achieved . By contrast in lean times, change the uses (GAAP) to suspend its evaluation to the cd and introducing fair value valuation at historical cost cd , thus avoiding 'in the budget to account for losses, with due respect for the "sound and prudent management " made in Bankitalia . See [ 20e% 20Lavoro/6_D.shtml? ]. To be precise, according to authoritative research (R & S - Mediobanca), the banking assets valued at cd fair value (stocks, bonds, government bonds, derivatives) are on average (i) for banking groups U.S. 34% of activity 'Total (since an underestimate), (ii) for those in Europe 43% the activities' total and (iii) for the top ten Italian banking groups are on average about 20% of total assets. See [ 20e% 20Mercati/2010/05/Banche-rischio-sofferenze.shtml? ]. In Italy, in fact, more problems arise 'from the "old style" of loans made to "friends of friends " not speculative from high finance! The situation of uncertainty about the solvency 'of the banking institutions and' such that they prefer the liquidity deposit 'at the ECB overnight deposits cd rather than lend money to other banks. See also record data from the ECB's deposit facility the central bank, item 2.2, the "Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem" week. [ ] [ Concerned-German-banks-exposure-southern-europe ].

(**) cf. Press Conference on 1 June 2010, MEP Mario Borghezio, 2010 meeting in Spain on the Bilderberg Group [ ]. According to some, this club would be a "group decision " hidden and not simply a "reflection group "In short, a dome of high rim of occult Freemasonry (or village), a mob (as they say in southern Italy) high LET, globalist, elitist anti-democratic and dedicated to the creation of so-called" new world order "(in English: The New World Order ). See [ ] [ .uk/world/blog/2010/jun/02/charlie-skelton-bilderberg-spain ] [ -group-really-doing-in-spain-1991021.html ]. Giulio Tremonti, September 7, 2010, after the decision Ecofin to adopt the so-called half European states, We have a continent, a market and a common currency ... we had twenty-seven policies and we should reduce them to one. The question that arises is' who decides Polica this one? Democratically elected representatives or groups of decision occult? Maybe the same people who have invested Van Rompuy before the European Parliament? The European institutions preach well but scratching badly, in fact signals that reveal the existence of occult practices and illegal procedures, the most 'high levels of decision of the European institutions, multiply and show a direction of the policies of neo-corporatist and elitist, far from democratic and transparent, with serious consequences for citizens in all economic and social benefit of a ruling class is not well identified [cf. WSJ, September 24, 2010, secret committee for the euro, ], [ ], [ ].
For the apotheosis of a handful of delusional authoritarian, that no popular legitimacy, claim to manage with limited pluralism, budgets, expenditure and taxation 'of nation-states Europe, cf. [Stark, ECB, 25/10/2010 ]. Statements denote authoritarian regime worthy of a European Civil bear insult to voters across Europe and are a sign of cancer of the neo-corporatism legal devouring the democratic institutions of the European states and should be eradicated. For the Italian Constitution and 'illegal any authorities' independent popular legitimacy has no regulatory powers erga omnes. In the legal system based on principles of legitimacy and legality ', this configuration lacks popular legitimacy of the legislative powers, as well as betraying the Constitution, is tantamount to returning to the experience of fascism! The President of the Italian Republic had a duty to protect citizens from such pseudo-institutions, rather than 'share without reservation [See Napolitano, 28/10/2010 ].

(***) cf. Chamber of Deputies, Question 4 / 02 247, written reply of 23 June 2009 [ ], cf. however, (non-legislative act), Regulation (EU) No. 407/2010 of 11/05/2010, the Council EU [ ] TFEU to see. [ Lisbon Treaty ] For the complete text of the Lisbon Treaty and consolidated texts of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), cf. [ ].

(****) Objectives and instruments of monetary policy, cf. [ 20europea/politica_monetaria1.htm ]

(a) John Locke truth 'talked openly of revolution, but in age' would be anachronistic to contemporary. The civil disobedience is a form of political struggle, carried out by an individual or a group of people more often, which involves the deliberate violation of specific laws, considered particularly unjust. Civil disobedience is to be made publicly, so that it becomes clear to all the protest, and immediately operational the penalties for violating the rules of law considered unjust. For example, in economic policy, civil disobedience can not 'be implemented with tax evasion, in what conduct surreptitious, but can' manifest itself simply by non-payment of taxes, as to be clear and able to cause immediate operation 'of the penalties provided by law. See Henry David Thoreau (1849), [ ]

(b) Berlusconi, Confartigianato Annual Meeting, June 9, 2010. See [ ] [ -. html]

(1) Ciampi, May 9, 2010, cf. [ ]
(2) cf. [ ] and [ ]

(3 ) Article 108, Treaty of Rome Articles 109 and 125, Maastricht Treaty, Article 143, Treaty of Lisbon. See [ ]

(4) The account of the expenditure amounts Usd 1 Trillion. See [ ]. For Italians, the bloodletting and 'to Eur 14.8 billion, which will be rounded up on the market with new issuance of government bonds by increasing the public debt [cf. MEF, Press Release No. 151, 1/10/2010 ]. Sara 'should therefore reduce the costs (see DL 78/2010) - whereas in Italy and not' more 'can raise taxes without triggering a popular revolution - to maintain unchanged the size of the risk of failure Italy ( English: rating). See [ ]. And then maybe there will be 'even someone who would be surprised' that the yield differential (spread ) between the Italian BTP and the German Bund is the all-time high! See [ ] [ ]. But the best is yet to come, the next stage - within three years - the flight of capital and them 'a little off of' inflation, even when Germany will 'bulging from the maneuvers of Merkel. After that - within the luster - bye bye Euro and the European Union. In Italy, a serious policy of reducing public debt and recovery, should address (i) a public administration that riperimetrazione also encompassing the banking foundations [ ], (ii) the separation of the activities' of the investment bank than a commercial bank, (iii) a separation of branches of commercial banks on a territorial basis in relation to industrial districts and (iv) proceeding to a serious privatization with bans on aggregate over a certain size of the bank, (v) free rein of Cassa as the financial arm of the state. After the unsuccessful gift Amato Ciampi and then to 'elite Italian Bankers Association lobbyists, the nationalization of the banking foundations - closely followed by that of the Bank of Italy - and' certainly the first step towards standards - in the sense constitutionally acceptable - the Italian banking system [ e2% 80%% e2% 9cnazionalizzazione 80% 9d-di-f-Venables / ]. In this regard cf. also Giulio Sapelli, World No. 13 of 14/01/2011: " propose the nationalization of the banking foundations, which have so far proved inefficient and patronage. The state should (re-) appropriating of their assets, which is basically 'of the community', and therefore can 'easily be managed centrally. And use those assets to make more 'solid large national banks, which should then set an efficiency and support business growth .

(5) cf. Nowotny (ECB), May 11, 2010, [ ] [ ], cf. Stark (ECB), May 12, 2010, [ ]; cf. also [ ] and Trichet (ECB), May 12, 2010 [ / sp100514.en.html ].

(6) For the exposure of insurance companies to government bonds in Europe, cf. [ ]. See also the data of the ECB on Securities Markets Programme , item 7.1, the "Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem" week. [ ]. For returns, in Italy, pension funds compared to the indemnities cf. [ ].

(7) For the refusal of Britain to join the European fund saving banks, cf. [ ]. How could they justify the fact the British politicians to help European banks after bringing the country to the brink of the abyss to save them?

(8) For Italy: cf. Monday's price 'of 10/05/2010 Banca Intesa and Unicredit.

(9) For the establishment in Luxembourg of European mega-fund-saving banks (and insurance) cf. [ ]. The appointment of CEO Klaus Regling to see. [ ]. The purpose of the fund and 'to put, at best, a bit' of hot air (with state guarantee) the balance sheets of banks and insurance companies, instead of losses. See Juncker, July 12, 2010 [ ] Regling, Il Sole 24 Ore, July 14, 2010 [ ]. In the worst cases, the losses will end up in the pockets of taxpayers! So as not to be confused, EUR 440 billion are slightly more than half 'of all paper money in circulation in euro, cf. liability item 1 of a weekly ECB [ ]. There 's also wonder if other European industrial sectors, other than banking and insurance, have as much right - in lean times - to have a European fund saves companies at the expense of taxpayers as a state fund for this purpose would be considered by the European Commmission State aid! And since in less than two years by a no! dry to fund saving banks at the expense of taxpayers and is 'is passed to a ! enthusiastic, overcoming any adverse limit [cf. Trichet, La Repubblica, October 7, 2008, ], other industries Europeans of that hope. On the other hand you know 'that ... the sound of money every vile rumor s'accheta ... even (or perhaps especially) in the "great" bureaucracies. More 'recently megamarketing strategies require you to call the fund-saving banks: "EU lifesaver' instead of '" Ue manger "for politicians, bureaucrats and bankers failed [cfr.Il Sole24Ore, 29.09.2010, ]. The neo-globalist bankers and corporation 'so organic to the pseudo-European institutions in the final declaration of the so-called Ecofin meeting of 1/10/2010 and' includes this sentence: " Ministers and Governors (of the Central Banks, ed.) highlighted the risks linked to market sovereign debt, which could have a contagious effect on the banking sector . In truth ', all are bound to know that the correct phrase would be delivered to the news due to be exactly the opposite: Ministers and Governors stressed the risks associated with banking system, which could have a contagious effect on the sovereign debt market . A bad example of what Berlusconi 'used to call " a reversal of reality'! .

(10) Italy, cf. Government statement of 26 May 2010, for tax reasons asprimenti in Italy and in Europe [ ]. For those who are not convinced, cf. Paul Krugnam, Il Sole 24 Ore, May 22, 2010, " The persistence of deficits reflect a permanent decline in revenue, primarily due to the sharp reduction in the GDP potential determined by the crisis, but also the impact of a fall in asset prices and profits of the financial sector [ ]. See IMF, Fiscal Monitor, May 14, 2010. [ ]

(11) cf. [ 20e% 20Tributi/2010/04/antiriciclaggio-sentenza-sanmarino-gdf-rogatoria.shtml? Uuid = 9adf93d4-bc63-4d30-11DF-5f30f1ba22d3 & DocRulesView = Free ]

(12) The European commissioner for budget and planning, Janusz Lewandowski, announced that the EU Commission has proposed increased funding directed through the introduction of new taxes in the Community. In detail, the proposal is to establish one. A European tax on air transport, 2. European VAT, instead of the fixed levy which currently is applied to the VAT revenues of each Member State, 3. direct selling of permits for the emission of greenhouse gases and, 4. participation in the proceeds of a new tax on financial assets or financial transactions and, finally, 5. participation the proceeds of a new energy tax or a new corporate tax. In essence, Europe calls for revenue and finance, in particular, to reallocate funds;
cf. [


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